open access
ISSN : 1229-0696
There have been a lot of the unemployed who want to create new business since 1997's economic crisis in Korea. In order to understand successful entrepreneur's characteristics and to form the basis of researches on that, this study was performed to identify competencies for the entrepreneur, to develop competency assessment tools, and analyze their validity. We analyzed the entrepreneur's job, reviewed literatures, drew behavioral indicators from sources, and developed the entrepreneur's competency assessment tools. The assessment tools were made up of self-report personality style measurement and biodata were administered to 1,002 entrepreneurs. The criteria were success and income. The results of factor analysis revealed that the entrepreneur's competency model was composed of 10 competencies and they constructed 2 factors. Most of 10 competencies had significant criterion-related validities. Empirical scaling methods(unit weighting, regression weighting, and Weighted Application Blank) were employed to analyze validity of biodata items, 10 items had significant correlations with criterion. Each scaling method showed significant criterion-related validities and no decreases in validity except WAB. On the basis of the results, we discussed the validity of the entrepreneur's competency assessment tools, and described implications to research and filed.