ISSN : 1225-6706
Everybody builds their identity through affection towards place unconsciously becausehumanity without any exception belongs to place with birth. North KoreanRefugees is one social group which has gone through so many different identitycrisis through dramatic changes on their living place. North Korean Refugees hastwo contradictory feelings of longing and hatred toward this place, North Korea. The Refugees sees China as a way of hope towards freedom, but also sees her aspanic place because of their illegal status. At last, North Korean Refugees regardSouth Korea as a new continent where they need to explore and adapt just as immigrantsneed to change their concepts from topophobia to topophilia. North KoreanRefugees in the South Korea will be very important group after two Korea’s unificationbecause they have experienced both Korea as a place of living. Eventuallyunified Korea’ s vision is human unification through understanding difference ofplace and according to experience.
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