ISSN : 1225-6706
This research began with the thought that not only political-economic approach but also ideological approach is needed to have a deep understanding about the development model of contemporary China. High Modernism has distinctive features like ‘state-driven social engineering project, belief in scientific-technological knowledge of experts, all-out mobilization, mixture of passion and coercion’. The construction of Sanxia Dam was firstly conceived by Sun Wen in the early 20th century, but the actual construction was conducted with the start of the reform era. Documentary 「Big Three Gorges」 was broadcast in 2010, when Hu Jintao government had to come up with new development model and its ideology to cope with the challenges to threaten the stability of the regime, because the existing development model already revealed its limitations. ‘Harmonious Society’ and ‘Scientific Outlook on Development’ which is the ideology of Hu Jintao era, is reflected in the documentary 「Big Three Gorges」, and has the feature of High Modernism. The notice should be taken care of the possibility of the emergence of new type High Modernism in social management of China due to the rapid development of information-communication technology.
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