ISSN : 1225-6706
This study explores the production process of the Han River as part of the accumulation and hegemony project in the developmental urbanization in South Korea. The production process of the Han River is accompanied by various nonhuman actors which beyond ‘State-ized Nature’. First of all, the state constantly embodies the strategies to rendering to resources the Han River. This is the process of state-ization of the Han River with the aim of development of Yeoui-do and Gangnam along with the ‘overcoming nature’ such as overcoming high river bed factor and flood control. In addition, the estuaries and upstream of the Han River form an invisible form of border with North Korea. For that reason, South Korea’s developmental state set up various physical and social boundaries in preparation for North Korea’s water offensive. State that have looked at the Han River as a resource and border, have been deploying various non-humans in the Han River since the 1960s called “Han River Comprehensive Development Plan” This mega river development plan started for preparing 1986 Asian Games and 1988 Seoul Olympics. However, various nonhuman agents deployed by the state have brought unintended consequences in the 1990s. In particular, along with the process of deteriorating water quality, the emergence of Janghang wetland has brought the necessities of new form of urban planning and institutional strategies to the developmental state. Therefore, this study reveals that the production process of the Han River is not merely a process of state plans and intentions, but a process that has been formed in a hybrid form through the manifestation of the nonhuman actors. Especially, by analyzing the relationship between the Han River and the State which is recently requested to be readjusted. The Han River is viewed as merely adjusted by human actors and its intention. But here, I suggests the possibility of theoretical and methodological implication of re-interpret the production of Han River as human-nonhuman and state-nature’s intertwined process. Co-constitution of human-nonhuman actors in the urban space ultimately, show us the alternative possibilities of post-developmentalism.
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