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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

The Role and Characteristics of Actors Involved in the Network of Urban Saetul-village Projects through Social Network Analysis

Space and Environment / Space and Environment, (P)1225-6706; (E)2733-4295
2020, v.30 no.2, pp.254-279


The Urban Saetul-Village Projects is a policy project started to intensively regenerate the vulnerable areas in the city center, a blind spot of the residential support project, and was implemented by separating the city from the rural areas. This study demonstrates the governance structure of general coordinators, village activists, village representatives, and civil servants, who are participating as important actors in the implementation of the Urban Saetul-Village Projects. Urban Saetul-Village Projects, which started in 2015, is mostly completed in 2019, and a network of major actors was analyzed through a survey of all 30 selected areas. Through this, we analyzed whether the governance of communication for the participation of residents worked as intended in the initial policy-making stage in the process of actual Urban Saetul-Village Projects, and how the effect and satisfaction of the project were as a result of the operation. It is significant that this study demonstrated the governance structure for all of the Urban Saetul-Village Projects and clarified the role of each actors.

Urban Saetul-Village Projects, Social Network Analysis, role of Actors, Network structure, 도시새뜰마을사업, 네트워크분석, 활동가, 총괄코디, 공무원, 마을대표



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Space and Environment