ISSN : 1225-6706
In the midst of Covid-19 crisis, caring has emerged as a rising agenda that should be considered as not only an private issue but also social and communal. Although social reproduction has been regarded as a subdomain of production or gender problem, a shift in perception is now being encouraged so that it can viewed as an equally important matter to all community members. In this research, the case study of ‘WeStay Byeollae’ has been conducted based on Federici’s view that suggests transformation of thinking and grassroots democracy for 'Commons'. WeStay Byeollae, the first housing co-op apartment complex in South Korea, is run by the resident members of the housing cooperative. Unlike other apartments in South Korea, these residents have built a creative culture of reproduction through participation and alliance, self-management, and collective decision-making, allowing them to overcome the limitations of social reproduction.
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