ISSN : 1225-6706
In 2018, the proportion of decedents in total number of deaths is less than 3%, tax burden ratio and effective tax rate are 12.2% and 15.7% respectively in spite of the highest nominal tax rate of 50%. Total determined tax amount of inheritance tax and gift tax, 7.8 trillion Won is just around 2% of the total tax revenue of 378 trillion Won. The current asset inequality has been worsened compared with that in 1950 when the inheritance and gift tax were enacted. The role and function of inheritance tax and gift tax which were introduced with the highest tax rate of 90% for the purpose of easing the concentration and inheritance of wealth has been weakened. Lowered tax rate and increase of deductions are the main reasons behind it. This study reviewed the deductions in inheritance tax and gift tax and issues with property- related taxes. Based on the review, this study suggests 1) abolition of deduction for financial asset, cohabiting houses, 2) reduction of deduction for family business succession, 3) extension of aggregation period of ex-gifted asset in the calculation of inheritance tax and gift tax from current 10 years to 20 years, 4) change of aggregation from by person to by married couple in Comprehensive Real Estate Holding Tax to make the principle of taking a couple as a unit of asset-building and management with inheritance tax and gift tax, and 5) change of date of the acquisition of property in calculation of capital gain tax from date of inheritance or gift to original acquisition date when the inheritors or devisee sell the inherited or gifted assets.
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