ISSN : 1225-6706
This paper explores the use and exploitation of complicated social boundaries formed by urban subjects in urban space, in the case of Southwark, London. London not just is a hugely populated city but also consists of ethnic minorities exceeding half of London’s overall population with cultural diversity. To avoid conflicts generated by the cultural diversity, mild indifference becomes a social manner that people should have in London. However, indifference and fragmented relations become a means to an end for usage and exploitation of the subjects having economic/ political power. And, the complex social boundaries become the cause of more production of complicated resources to use. Besides, normal citizens have limits in obtaining and understanding all information and knowledge caused by complicated urban relations. Also, citizens do not actively counteract against social contradictions in cooperation with others, but they just use the resources bringing benefit to them in the limited urban relations. Considering the rapid increase of the population of ethnic minorities, London’s case also has great implications for South Korea. Methods for this research are ethnographic (participatory)observation, interview, and secondary data.
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