ISSN : 1229-067X
淸報에 對한 選擇的 接觸에 關한 認知的 不調和理論의 基本假說을 實驗的으로 檢證하기 爲하여 721名의 高等學生들을 被驗者로 하여 點數에 依하여 不調和를 廣範하게 操作하고 統制集團을 導入하고 關聯情報들을 同時 및 別個로 提示하였다. 不調和의 크기와 不調和의 源泉에 對한 評價가 測定되었다. 不調和의 크기는 關聯情報들의 性質과 提示條件에 따라서 다소 莲異가 있었으며 몇몇 集團들에서 操作한 方向과 反對되는 크기의 不調和가 있었다. 情報의 別個提示條件의 情報選擇曲線과 同時提示條件의 情報選擇曲線은 크게 달랐다. 어느 條件에서든 調和情報의 探索은 없었다. 別個提示條件에서 不調和情報는 樹亟的으로 廻避되었으나 極端의 不調和集團의 探索은 없었다. 同時提示條件에서 不條利가 거의 없는 集團에서 調和情報는 探索되었으나 다른 不調和集團들에서는 두 矛盾情報에 대하여 恙異없는 情報選擇을 보였으며 中程度의 不調和集團들에서 調和情報는 不調和情報와 함께 廻避되었다. 同時提示條件의 調和情報의 選擇曲線은 Festinger의 睹賻實驗曲線과 類似하였다. 調和情報의 探索程度는 不調和情報의 廻避程度보다 微弱하였다. 別個提示條件의 統制集團들은 同時提示條件의 統制集團보다 關聯情報에 더 높은 興味를 보였다. 不調和의 크기와 不調和의 源泉에 對한 評價사이의 Spearman 相關係數는 .92였다.
The purpose of the present study was to test experimentally the Fest ingot's (1957) dissonance theory predictions about information selectivity. Subjects were 721 senior high school students. The experiment was conducted under the pretense of reading interest survey. Scholastic aptitude test which was important to high school students was administered for the preparation of dissonance manipulation. The experimental groups were received the test score which was randomly manipulated, while the control groups were not. Three forms of inters! survey questionnair which consist of 14 magazine article titles were administered for measuring the seletivc exposure to informations. The experimental conditions were divided by consonant-, dissonant-information presentation condition and the simultaneous presentation conditions of both information according to the nature of critical article titles of interest survey questionnaires. Interst in relevant information was measured by checking on the 10.5cm, 16-point graphic rating scales below the article titles. Opinion survey questionnaire was administered for measuring the magnitude of dissonance and evaluation of source of dissonance. The main results of present study were as following. 1. Generally the lower the score, the greater the magnitude of dissonance in all conditions. The magnitude of dissonance(pleasant-unpleasant) varied in accordance with the conditions of information presentation. Several dissonance groups showed inversed dissonance to the direction of experimental manipulation. 2. The curves of separate presentation conditions markedly differed from the curves of simultaneous presentation condition of descrepant informations. 3. The active seeking of consonant information from both contitions was not appeared. 4. There was active avoidance o£ dissonant information in the separate dissonant information presentation condition, but the seeking of dissonant information in the extreme dissonance group was not shown in this condition. The consonant information was also avoided as the dissonant information in the moderate dissonance groups of simultaneous presentation condition. 5. The curve of consonant information in simultaneous presentation condition was similar to the curve of Festinger's (1957) gambling study. 6. The degree of seeking consonant information was weaker than the degree of avoiding dissonant information. 7. Interest m relevant informations of the control groups was greater in the separate presentation conditions than in the simultaneous presentation condition (p<.04. one tailed). 8. The Rho coefficient between the magnitude of dissonance and the evaluation of source of dissonance was . 92.