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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Relationship between Cognitive-behavioral Factors and Marital Dissatisfaction

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2010, v.29 no.2, pp.265-288


The present research investigates the cognitive-behavioral model of marital problems. For the purpose of this study, appropriate cognitive-behavioral model was constructed and was tested through the structural equation modeling. Also, we evaluated the moderating effect of marital belief discrepancy and the mediating effect of negative marital perception on how major marital life events affect marital dissatisfaction. Cognitive-behavioral factors assessment scale and general marital dissatisfaction assessment scale were administered to 130 married couples in Korea. The data were analyzed through correlation analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling. There was significant correlation between cognitive-behavioral factors (e.g., major marital life events, marital belief discrepancy, negative marital perception, negative marital emotion, and negative marital behavior) and general marital dissatisfaction. We also found significant moderating effect of marital belief discrepancy and mediating effect of negative marital perception on the connection between major marital life events and marital dissatisfaction. Finally, the mediation model showed appropriate goodness of fit compared to alternative models. We conclude that the integrative cognitive-behavioral model suggested by the present study is a potential explanation for Korean marital problems. Clinical implication, limitations of this study, and suggestions for future research are discussed.

부부신념 불일치, 부정적 부부지각, 부정적 부부정서, 부정적 부부행동, 부부 불만족, 인지행동적 모델, marital belief discrepancy, marital perception, marital emotion, marital behavior, marital dissatisfaction, cognitive-behavioral model, marital belief discrepancy, marital perception, marital emotion, marital behavior, marital dissatisfaction, cognitive-behavioral model



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General