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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

The Reviews on the Mothers' Physical Touch during Infancy

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2010, v.29 no.2, pp.289-313


The purpose of this study was to discuss the importance of touch during infancy by reviewing the Western and Korean studies on mothers' touch. The review of the researches on touch revealed that touch plays an essential role in survival as it modulate physical and behavioral responses during early infant development. Also, this physical contact functions as a part of the total communication system between the mother and infant. The amount and quality of physical contact are important to the attachment. More importantly, mothers’ physical contacts of their babies serves as a foundation for the physical and psychological development of the infants. Domestic researches examined the mothers' touch patterns by months and mothers' internal states. Korean mothers used the nurturing touch rather than the harsh touch. Mothers used the gentle and affectionate contact type in a biological caregiving situation regardless of their internal states. However, in social caegivring situation, mothers with stable states were more likely to use the types of touch causing positive emotions than mothers with unstable internal states. The communicative function of the physical contact between mother and infant was supported through experimental research. Lastly, future research directions were proposed.

영아-엄마 상호작용, 어머니의 신체접촉, 접촉 유형, 접촉 상황, 영아기, mother-infant interactions, Physical touch, touch pattern, touch situations, Infancy



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General