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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Does make-up make men's faces appear more attractive?

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2019, v.38 no.4, pp.625-646


Today, the idea that only women can wear makeup is no longer accepted. Although many men do wear makeup, the social responses to those men are not always positive. Does makeup actually make men’s faces appear more attractive? The current study finds the answer for this question through psychological experiments. As stimuli for these experiments, male faces that were made up in five steps (1: no makeup, 2: skin makeup, 3: eyebrow makeup, 4: eyeliner makeup, 5: eyeshadow makeup) were employed. In the experiments, after presenting male faces with makeup, participants were asked to rate how attractive those faces looked (experiment 1) and how heavily made up those faces appeared (experiment 2). A 7-point likert scale was used in both experiments: a higher point means more attractive and heavier, respectively. In experiment 1, the results showed the inverted U curve. There was an increase in attractiveness from step 1 (no makeup) to step 3 (eyebrow makeup), and after that there was a decrease. The results of experiment 2 showed that the more make-up applied, the easier participants can detect the degree of make-up. In particular, until step 3 (eyebrow makeup), faces were perceived as having light makeup; in steps 4 and 5, the faces were perceived as having (relatively) heavy makeup. Collectively, as the level of make-up increases, the perceived attractiveness increases to a certain point, but after that, it decreases, which seems to be related to the detection of make-up. This study was the first in Korea to explore male makeup with an experimental paradigm, which directly confirmed whether the male face can be perceived as more attractive with makeup or not. The relationship between makeup and the attractiveness of the male face is different from that of the female, suggesting that systematic follow-up studies are required to identify the effect of various bottom-up and top-down factors.

남성 화장, 그루밍족, 얼굴 매력, 화장 탐지, male makeup, the grooming tribe, facial attractiveness, makeup detection



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General