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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Vol.4 No.2

Hyon-Kab Chang(Department of Psychology, Yeungnam University) ; Bong-Kyo Chung(Department of Psychology, Yeungnam University) pp.57-68

The effect of rearing in isolation in later exploratory behavior was studied in A/J strain of albino mice. Twenty mice were seperated from their own litters on the 23rd day of life and reared in isolation (n = 10), or in groups of 3 (n = 10) for 60 days, before testing the exploratory behavior, Exploration was measured as contact to a discrete novel stimulus, in terms of a bout frequency and duration. Locomotor activity was measured by the number of landmark-lines traversed. Each animal was exposed to the test situation on 2 successive days, Isolation-reared mice were hyperactive, showed an increased incidence of exploratory bouts but no difference in duration of exploratory behavior, and showed a different distribution of activity while the novel object was introduced, compared with group-reared controls. Both animal groups showed no different habituation toward the test object during day 2 session. It was concluded that the isolation rearing in early life exerts facilitatory influence upon later locomotor exploration.

Jung-Oh Kim(Seoul National University) ; Yang Lee(Seoul National University) pp.69-82

Using a multi-trial perceptual learning task, two experiments explored relative contributions of data-vs, concept-driven processing to the development of correct percepts for the Korean Geulja which is similar to the syllable in English and consists of consonants and a vowel. Subjects were presented with three sets of triple Geulja at exposure durations for 50-60% accuracy levels. Three Geuljas in each triple were discriminable by one or two features, i.e., they were very similar at the global feature level. Two methods for presenting stimuli, developed by Chastain (1977), were employed: The positional and the horizontal sets. The former set in which three similar Geuljas of a triple were presented at the same position over three successive cards was presumed to encourage subjects to rely on concept-driven processing. The horizontal set in which three similar Geuljas were simultaneously presented in a card .,vas expected to encourage subjects to adopt data-driven processing. Contrary to the results reported by Chastain, the present experiments consistently found the superior performance on the horizontal over the positional set, especially at the third position of a triple as well as at the rate of reduction in recognition errors. These results indicate the dominance of the data-driven processing in the perceptual conditions where no feedback was given to the subject's recognition response to one of very similar stimuli presented at the threshold.

Sook-Kee Hong(Kangwon National University) pp.83-96

Während Schroder, Driver und Streufert (1967) und Rokeach (1960) mit Hilfe von herkommlichen Persönlichkeitstests kognitive Komplexität and Dogmatismus als Persönlick;eitsmerkmale untersuchten, haben Suedfeld und Rank (1978) und Ertel (1972) unabängig voneinander durch die Inhaltsanalyse von politischen, historischen u. a. Texten gezeigt, daβ Konflikte und Krisen in der Wirklickeit Komplexität und Dogmatisrnus des Verhaltens beeinfluβen. Schroder u. a führten den Begriff Urnweltkornplexitäte ein, urn die Variabilität der Komplexität des Leistungsverhaltens in Abhängigkeit von Aufgabensituationen zu erklären, für den Dogmatisrnus wurder die Wichtigkeit der Angstsituationen betont. Die vorliegende Arbeit unterscheidet zwei gemeinsame wesentliche Aspekte bei "komplexer Aufgabenumwelt" und Angstsituation: die Schwierigkeit der Aufgabe und die hohe Motiviertheit det Person. Sie erörtert, daβ für die Untersuchung individueller Unterschiede in der Disposition der kognitiven Komplexität und des Dogmatismus die heiden Situationsaspekte in ausreichendern Maβe vorhanden sein sollen, d. h., daβ eine "kornplexe Aufgabensituation" gegeben ist. Nach deT Darlegung jeder Theorie wurde der von den jeweiligen Autoren selbst entwickelte Test vorgestellt; anschlieβend wurden die inhaltsanalytischen Verfahren von Suedfeld hinsich lich der Komplexität und von Ertel hinsichtlich des Dogmatismus sowie deren Forschungsergebnisse dargestellt.

Jung-Mo Lee(Korea University) pp.97-118

The history of the emergence of the concept of Gestalt as the emergent whole was discussed by reviewing the ideas of the 17th and 18th century thoughts and the 19th century British associationism.

Korean Journal of Psychology: General