ISSN : 1229-067X
한자표기동음이철어에 대한 단어연상검사 그리고 한자표기동음이철어의 어휘접근과정을 탐색하기 위해 두개의 실험들이 수행되었다. 피험자들은 한자표기동음이철어(점화어)의 표기상 관련된 의미나 음운상 관련된 의미 각각의 연상어(한글표기 표적어)에 대해 어휘판단을 하였다. 실험 I은 200ms SOA와 1000ms SOA에서 두 의미들의 활성화의 시간경로를 탐색했는데, 그결과 두 의미들이 동시에 인출되며 어휘의미에 대한 접근이 유운표상에 의해 매개됨이 밝혀졌다. 실험II에 따르면 주의할당에 의한 손실이 음운상 관련된 의미에 있어서만 가능하였다. 긴 SOA에서는 통제처리가 작용하지만 철자상 관련된 의미에 대한 통제는 불가능한 것으로 판단되었다.
In Korean written language there are some Chinese homophones which have different spelling from another in Chinese characters but have the same sound and spelling as another in Korean language. So each of Chinese homophone is orthographically unambiguous but is phonologically ambiguous to Korean. A word association test about Chinese homophones and two experiments were perfonned to examine the nature of lexical access in the processing of Chinese homophone with Korean subjects. Subjects made lexical decisions to Korean target words that were associates of the orthographically related meaning or phonologically related meaning of a Chinese homophone prime. Experiment 1 explored the time course of activation of the two meanings at 200-ms SOA and lOO0-ms SOA, showing that two meanings were retrieved simultaneously and the access to lexical meaning was mediated by phonological representation. Subsequent to its retrieval, activation of the phonologically related meaning decreased a little more. Experiment2 indicated that cost by attentional allocation was possible only about phonologically related meaning. At long SOA controlled processing appeared to be active hut was difficult to control about orthographically related meaning.
강화와 무관하게 제시되는 무관 자극을 무시하는 과정에 중뇌-변연계 세로토닌계가 관여함을 보고저 하였다. Y-미로에서 일정한 방향을 선택하는 반응을 강화와 짝지우고, 무관 자극인 불빛을 세 분지에 무선적으로 제시하여 내측 봉선핵이 파괴된 동물이 정상 동물에 비해 무관 자극을 얼마나 무시할 수 있는가를 알아보았다. 실험 결과 손상 동물은 정상 동물에 비해 학습 장애가 전반적으로 높게 나타났고, 올바른 반응를 학습한 후 무관 자극이 제시되면 손상 동물이 통제 동물에 비해 이 자극에 쉽게 주의를 빼았겼다. 이는 내측 봉선핵이 손상된 경우 일정한 반응을 학습 한 후 무관자극이 제시되면 이를 무시하는 능력에 장애가 나타남을 보여준다.
According to theories of selective attention, animals learn to ignore irrelevant stimuli depending on the correlation of a stimulus with a reinforcement. An attentional process by which animals learn to ignore an irrelevant stimulus is an independent mechanism, not just a consequence of any increase in attention to relevant stimuli. There is evidence that mesolimbic serotonergic system plays a role in this attentional process. In the present experiment, rats with lesions of median raphe nuclei were compared to non-lesioned normal rats for the ability to ignore irrelevant stimuli. Forty experimentally naive rats were used. Three days prior to training, animals were randomly assigned to lesioned or non-lesioned groups. Animals in each of the two groups were further subdivided into an expermental and a control group. An irrelevant stimulus, a light, which was not correlated with a reinforcement, was presented for the experimental, and not for the control groups. Turning consistently left or right in a Y maze was reinforced with foods. For the experimental groups, the light was presented randomly in one of the three arms of the Y maze. Each daily training session was composed of 20 trials. All animals were run until 17 correct responses of 20 trials were reached or for a maximum of 200 trials. The control gorups were given 20 testing trials on the day after they had met the learning criterion. The random presentations of the light were introduced in the testing session. Results showed that presentation of the irrelevant light stimulus significantly retarded Y maze learning in the median raphe lesioned. They were more distracted to the light than the non-lesioned. It is interpreted that the ability to ignore irrelevant stimuli is disrupted in animals with median raphe lesions.
입방체 귀인이론(Kelley, 1967)이 가정하는 합의성, 특이성 및 일관성 정보들이 서로 상관되어 있는 함축(implication)차원을 형성한다는 가설(세 정보들 중 하나 또는 두 종류의 정보만 받아도 사람들이 주어진 정보의 뜻과 함께 나머지 정보들의 뜻까지 추리해 낼 수 있을 것이라는 가설)을 세우고 이를 검증하기 위한 2개의 실험을 했다. 실험 I의 피험자들(N=60)의 하나의 귀인정보를, 그리고 실험 II의 피험자들(N=60)은 두 종류의 귀인정보를 각각 받고 (1) 합의성, 특이성, 및 일관성 함축이 각각 어느 방향으로 일어나는지, 그리고 (2) 가능한 함축내용 각각이 얼마나 그럴듯한지를 함축들간에 선택 또는 평정했다. 실험 I 과 실험 II 모두에서 한 차원의 정보가 다른 차원의 정보 까지 줄 수 있다는 가설을 지지했다. 뿐만 아니라 정보들간의 함축 관계가 아주 체계적임을 보이면서 車載浩와 羅恩暎(1986)이 제안한 T형 귀인모델의 수평축과 수직축의 존재도 강력히 지지했다. 또한 低일관성 정보가 명백히 주어 지지않는 한 사람들이 대체로 卨일관성을 가정한다는 가설이 추가적으로 지지되어, 사람들이 보통때는 T형 모델의 수평축만을 이용하여 실제귀인(행위자귀인 또는 자극귀인)을 많이하고 상황귀인은 삼가할 것이라는 시사를 얻었다.
Two experiments were conducted to test the idea that Kelley's(1967) three types of attributional information(consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency information) can be partially implied by one or the other. Sixty subjects received one type of information(Experiment 1), and another 60 subjects received two types of information(Experiment 2) and were asked to infer the remaining information by (1) choosing between the two opposite implications(e.g., high and low consensus implications), on each of the three dimensions, and (2) rating the strength of each implication on 7-point unipolor scales. As expected, subjects were able to fill in the missing information based on the given information. In addition, the pattern of implicational relationships found among consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency information indirectly supported the T-shape attribution space model proposed by Cha and Na(1986). but did not support the schema-based predictions made by Orvis, Cunningham, and Kelley(1975). It was also demonstrated that people would assume a higher baseline for consistency information than for consensus or distinctiveness information. The analysis suggested that the traditional internal-external attribution distinction may have confounded two different attribution choices, one between person and stimulus and another between person and circumstance.
본 연구의 목적은 전두부 EMG 바이오피드백훈련을 사용하여 긴장성두통을 치료할 경우, 자기효율성, 우울, 내적 통제수준에 따라 치료효과를 예언할 수 있는지를 알아보려는 데 있었다. 먼저 긴장성두통진단 질문지를 통하여 긴장성두통 환자로 판명된 36명(남 28, 여 8)의 대학생들을 피험자로 선정하였다. 그 다음 이들의 전두부 EMG수준과 두통활동의 기저선을 얻기 위하여 2주 동안 매주 3회씩(총6회) 전두부 EMG수준을 10분 동안 측정하였고, 일주일 단위로 두통일지를 제출하도록 하였다. 이때의 전두부 EMG수준과 두통일지의 내용을 근거로 바이오피드백집단(남자 14, 여자 4)과 통제집단(남자 14, 여자 4)에 전두부 EMG수준, 두통지수 및 성별이 동등하도록 무선구획할당하였다. 그리고 이들의 처치전 개인적인 특성변인을 알아보기 위하여 자기효율성, 우울 및 다차원 건강내외 통제척도를 실시 한 후 바이오피드백집단의 환자들에게는 1주일에 2회씩(총 8회)전두부 EMG수준을 낮추도록 바이오피드백훈련을 시킨 반면, 통제집단의 피험자들에게는 전두부 EMG수준을 낮추도록 바이오피드백훈련을 시키지 않고 1주일에 한번씩 전두부 EMG수준만을 측정하였다. 모든 피험자들은 기저선 단계에서부터 처치 후 4주까지 매주 두통일지를 기록하여 제출하였다. 결과는 다음과 같다; 전두부 EMG 바이오피드백훈련을 사용하여 긴장성 두통을 치료할 경우, 자기효율성수준과 내적통제수준이 높을수록, 우울수준은 낮을수록 긴장성두통을 더 많이 감소시켰다. 따라서, 이 특성변인들을 고려하면 더 좋은 치료효과를 낳을 수 있다는 점이 시사되었다. 앞으로 전두부 EMG 바이오피드백훈련에 영향을 미치는 개인적인 특성변인들에 대한 많은 경험적인 연구들이 이루어져야 한다는 점이 논의되었다.
This Study was designed to examine the effects on treatment of tension headache using frontails EMG biofeedback of self-efficacy. depression, and multiple health locus-of-control. 36 subjects, proved to be tension patients through diagnosis questionnair, were devided randomly into two groups; Biofeedback group and Control group, each having fourteen males and four females. self-efficacy, depression and multiple health locus-of-control scales were measured in pre-treatment stage. Baseline frontalis EMG level of 6 sessions was also measured for 2 weeks. Biofeedback group was trained for reduction of frontalis EMG level for 4 weeks(8 sessions). Control group frontalis EMG level was measured once a week without imposing any kind of training on it. Individual headache diary of baseline stage, during the treatment, and 4 weeks post-treatment has obtained every week. The results idicated that subjects with higher self-efficacy, internal control scores tend to have better treatment outcome defined in terms of reduction of tension headache score. Lower depressin score was also associated with better treatment outcome. Results were discussed in terms of the importance of individual characteristics in effective EMG biofeedback training of tension headache.
This study is aiming to investigate the validity of the theoretical perspectives that heightened egocentism during the early adolescence has been accounted for by the formal operational thought and the perceived parental child-rearing practices. Three measurement instruments were administerated to the four different age groups both sexes of adolescents from the age of 12 to 18, and those are a modified version of the classroom Test of Formal Operations, a revision of the Adolescent Egocentrism-Sociocentrism, and the Diagnostic Scale for Family Atmosphere. Data analysis revealed that formal operation did not enhance adolescent egocentrism significantly, while the patterns of the perceived parents-adolescent relationships were predictive determinants of adolescent egocentrism. Contrary to the previous theoretical assumptions, 14 and 16 year old adolescents who are at the level of transitional operations were higher than those at the level of formal operation in adolescent egocentrism. In addition, perceived paternal receptiveness and maternal autonomy were associated with diminished egocentrism for boys, while perceived paternal love, for girls.
이 연구는 중년층을 대상으로 노인과 노화과정에 대한 태도를 요인분석방법을 통하여 파악하는데 그 목적이 있다. 전세응답자 508명(남녀 각 254명씩)은 모두 노화와 관련된 생물학적, 신체적, 사회적, 심리적 변인 둥과 관련된 50개 문항으로 구성된 이 질문지를 지역사회를 통하여 조사하였다. 이들의 자료를 요인분석한 결과 5개의 주요요인인 얻었다 : 1) 자녀 - 가족관계 대한 긍정적 효과, 2) 행동특성의 부정적 변화, 3) 능력감퇴경향, 4) 경직성과 사회적 유리경향, 그리고 5) 일상생활과 관련된 변인들-생활만족 대 소외변인-. 특히 외국의 예에서와는 달리 가족관계에 대한 공정적 효과는 가족의 화목과 응집성을 중요시하는 우리문화의 독특한 측면을 반영하는 것이다.
This study was aimed at exploring the possible dimensions of attitude toward the elderly and the aging processes of the middle-aged Korean people through the factor analysis. Total of 508 respondents, 254 for each sex respectively, ages from 30 to 49(Mdn=38yrs)were recruited in Seoul. The preliminary attitude inventory was consisted of 50 items concerning eleven different aspects as follows: 1) biological aging 2) personality change 3) psychological adjustment and mental health 4) sensory and perceptual ability change 5) deterioration of learning abilities and performance 6) generation differences 7) family relations 8) retirement 9) senile / chronic diseases 10) attitude toward death and dying and 11) misellaneous. The principal-component factor analysis with varimax rotation shows the attitude of middle-aged toward the elderly and aging processes can be identified as following five factors: 1) positive aspects of family relations 2) negative changes in behavior characteristics 3) deterioration of abilities 4) rigidity and social disengagement 5) negative aspects of everyday life events. Especially the factor of the positive aspects of family relation was discussed.