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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of proactive personality and core self-evaluation on career success and mediating roles of career planning on these relationships. In additional, we examined moderating roles of supervisor's career support behaviors and availability of learning opportunity in organizations on those relationships. Data were collected from 306 white-color employees who had worked for more than six months with the same supervisor. The results showed that proactive personality and core self-evaluation had positive relationships with career planning and career success. Also career planning had a positive relationship with career success. There were significant moderation effects of the supervisor’s career support behaviors on the relationships between proactive personality and career planning and between core self-evaluation and career planning. The availability of learning opportunity in organizations did not play a moderating role on the relationship between career planning and career success. Finally, the implications and limitations of this study and the directions for future research were discussed.
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