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ISSN : 1229-0696
We employed a conceptual and empirical approach to exploring the meaning of creativity in industrial organizations. In study1 we defined the prototype of creativity in industrial organizations as “everyday and reactive creativity”. Employing Rosch's(1975) conceptualization of concepts, we do not exclude professional and proactive creativity in the definition of our prototype. Since this prototype was defined with product, persuasion, and process, we conducted Study2 to investigate the degree to which person characteristics in industrial organizations are consistent with the prototype. To connect conceptual approach and empirical data of individual employees in industrial organizations, we employed Amabile's (1996) three components model for creative performance. As a result factors representing the three components were obtained. The factors resemble some factors in the scale of everyday creativity developed elsewhere and implied conditions of reactive and expected behaviors required in industrial organizations, which are consistent with our definition of the prototype. On the other hand implicit theory of creative properties for individuals turned out to be discrepant from explicit theories and play an important role in the organizational practice with regard to creativity. It is suggested to make attempts to reduce the gap between implicit and explicit theories in order to ensure rationality in creativity management in industrial organizations.
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