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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of team leader's coaching and team feedback environment on members' fairness perception to performance appraisal system in team organizations. The study also tested cross-level effects of coaching motivation, that is operationalized from expectancy theory, and computer mediated on-line communication on the team leader's coaching behavior. Two-faceted (i.e., team leader & team member) survey was conducted, and data was collected from 365 individuals of 73 team in various organizations. The result showed positive relationships between team leader's coaching behavior and members' fairness perception to performance appraisal system. Multilevel analyses also revealed that team-level feedback environment had a significant cross-level direct effect on individuals' fairness perception, whereas it failed to show moderation effects on the coaching-fairness perception relationships. Coaching motivation and on-line communication showed significant positive relationships with coaching behavior. Based on these findings, theoretical and practical implications were discussed for better performance management in team-based organizations.
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