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ISSN : 1229-0696
Combining the mentoring theory with the social network theory, this study investigates the effects of personality as well as network characteristics on protégés' accuracy in perceiving mentoring networks. The purpose of this study is as follows: First, to examine the relationships between protégés' self-monitoring orientation and their accuracy in perceiving mentoring networks. Second, to examine the relationships between out-degree centrality of protégés and their cognitive accuracy in mentoring network perception. Third, to investigate the effects of protégés' intentions to leave the relationships with their mentors on the accuracy in mentoring network perception. We tested hypotheses regarding the determinants of the accuracy in perceiving mentoring networks. Cognitive network data as well as actual network data were used in calculating the respondents' accuracy: the MRQAP correlation between matrices of two types of networks. Results supported our expectations concerning the positive relationships which self-monitoring and the intention to leave the relationships with mentors have with the accuracy in perceiving mentoring networks.
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