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The Types and Effects of Organizational Anxiety


Items for assessing organizational anxiety(OA) were developed in this study. As a result of factor analysis and process for item selection, 30 items were left and 7 factors extracted. The factors are as follows: the absence of trust and justice in the organization, conflicting organizational climate, external threats, organizational competitiveness, work stress, dependence on the organization, and lack of information. The overall OA has negative correlations with the respondents' job satisfaction and organizational commitment. On the other hand, it has a positive relation with turnover intention. 7 factors were classified into three levels of OA. Organizational environment level includes external threats and organizational competitiveness. The absence of trust and justice in the organization and conflicting organizational climate were included in organizational level. Lastly, work stress, dependence on the organization, and lack of information were classified into individual level of OA. While organizational environment level didn't have any direct effects on all the dependent variables, organizational level and individual level had significant effects on the dependent variables. The direction of influence, however, were completely reversed. Organizational level had significant negative effects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment and significant positive effect on turnover intention. On the contrary, individual level of organizational anxiety had significant positive effects on the former dependent variables and negative tendency on the latter. Although organizational environment level didn't have any direct effect, it had completely mediated effects by organizational level on three dependent variables. In conclusion, the three levels of organizational anxiety have different functions and effects on job attitudes and we need to consider all of them to understand the organizational anxiety.

불확실성, 불안, 조직불안, 직무만족, 조직몰입, 이직의도, uncertainty, anxiety, organizational anxiety, jon satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intention



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