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ISSN : 1229-0696
In this study, emotional labor was classified into positive emotional labor and negative emotional labor. Especially we focused emotional labor about happiness, sympathy and pride as positive emotional labor. We analyzed eliciting situations, psychological effects and copying methods of emotional labor about happiness, sympathy and pride. Research participants were service employee 163, nurse 207 and university student 188. In all groups, emotional labor about happiness among 3 emotions was happened most frequently. Most frequent objects eliciting this emotional labor were boss to service employees, and patients to nurses, and friends to students. Situations that peoples have to do emotional labor were when they have to follow another person's mood, when they have to concern about doing work well, when they want to hide their bad images etc. When peoples have to do emotional labor, they frequently used coping methods like as Reinterpretation about situations and Active coping strategies. When people have to do emotional labor about happiness, sympathy and pride, they felt more emotions about happiness, sympathy, pride and they tried to express more that emotions according to the facial feedback hypothesis. But they had experienced more emotional exhaustion and more feeling of alienation according to emotional exhaustion hypothesis and decreased emotional support from surroundings.
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