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ISSN : 1229-0696
Organizational identification is the perception of oneness with or belongingness to a organization and is referred as defining himself or herself by their organization. Organizational identification has long been recognized as a critical construct affecting both the satisfaction of the individuals and the effectiveness of the organizations in psychological relationship between individuals and organizations. However, despite the importance of organizational identification in organizational contexts there are little research on the organizational identification and many works have often confused organizational identification with affect, attitudes, and behaviors. The purpose of this study was to examine the construct of organizational identification and consider LMX(leader-member exchange) and members' OBSE(organization-based self- esteem) as a antecedent and consequence of organizational identification. Specifically, at first, it was tested whether LMX was related to OBSE through organizational identification well as the direct relationship of between LMX and OBSE. Second, the moderating effect of employment status in relationship between organizational identification and OBSE was tested. This study tested research model using data collected from 179 employees who was in charge of secretarial works of domestic companies and foreign companies. At first, organizational identification was positively related to OBSE. Second, LMX had a positive effect on both organizational identification and OBSE. Third, the relationship of between LMX and OBSE was mediated by organizational identification. At last, employment status moderated relationship between organizational identification and OBSE. Temporary employees were more affected by the level of organizational identification than permanent employees. Finally, based on these results, the implication and limitation of this study and the direction for future study were discussed.
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