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ISSN : 1229-0696
This longitudinal study investigated the change of mental health and career identity effect among unemployed university graduates applied with nonlinear multi-level model. The first purpose of this study was to investigate the change pattern of GHQ(General Health Questionnaire) and GHQ two subscales -GHQ depression, and GHQ disadjustment- with HLM analysis. The results showed that GHQ score (including two subscales) of unemployed significantly increased from T1, T2 and graduation time and it was the highest 1~2 month later after graduation. It meant that unemployed university graduates had the worst mental health after graduation. From this point, GHQ score began to decrease smoothly until 5 month after graduation. GHQ and GHQ depression significantly changed over the time, but GHQ disadjustment didn't. The second purpose of this study was to examine career identity effect(consisting of career indecision and perceive control) on GHQ change. The unemployed who had higher level of career indecision and lower level of perceived control had higher level of GHQ at the initial stage(T1). In addition, they had constantly maintained the higher level of GHQ over the time. On the other hand, the unemployed who had lower level of career indecision and higher level of perceived control held low-leveled GHQ. The implications and limitations of this study were discussed and future directions of study were suggested.
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