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A Classification Study of Korean Retirees Based on the Meaning of Work


This study was conducted to classify Korean retirees based on what work means for them, looking specifically at its four factors (financial, social-contact, personal, and generativity). The study also explored whether there are significant differences in the resources (health, financial, psychological, and social support) and life satisfaction among different subgroups of retirees. For this study, data from 453 questionnaires were collected from Korean retirees over age 55, who had worked more than 10 years before retiring and were now searching for jobs. A cluster analysis of their responses on the 12-item Meaning of Work Scale showed it was statistically reasonable to classify the retirees into 4 clusters, as follows: “economic need type,” “generativity type,” “continuity seeking type,” and “unmotivated type.” Furthermore, there were significant differences in resources and life satisfaction among these four types. The continuity seeking type, which had high scores in all 4 factors, was the healthiest subgroup, psychologically and physically. The generativity type, which had the highest score in the generativity factor, was relatively well-off with regard to financial resources and life satisfaction. In contrast, the economic need type, which had the highest financial factor score, showed the lowest financial resources, social supports, and life satisfaction. Finally, the unmotivated type, with low scores on all the factors, was the high-risk group, with the lowest rating on perceived health and on psychological resources. In addition, generativity was found to be positively related to high financial resources and life satisfaction in the aged.

retirees, work meaning, cluster analysis, generativity, health, social support, financial resources, life satisfaction, 고령자, 일의 의미, 군집분석, 생성감, 삶의 만족, 건강, 사회적 지지, 근로 동기



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