ISSN : 1229-4632
The Development and Issues of Discourses on the Body in Modern Novels Ahn, Mi-Young The present study examined “discourses on the body” in modern novels. Discourses on the body were developed through four periods – 1890s ~ 1910s, 1910s, 1920s and 1930s. Discussions on narratives and new‐style novels in newspapers in the 1890s~1910s are focused on making the body of ‘the people’ equivalent to nationalism. The key point of discussions on Lee Gwang‐soo’s ‘Mujeong’ in the 1910s and his editorials appears to be ‘a eugenic body complicated with individuality and public interests.’ Discussions on novels in the 1920s are focused on ‘the body of craving women’ and ‘the eye of suppressing desires.’ Discussions on modernistic novels including Lee Sang’s works in the 1930s deal with ‘individual bodies’ as ‘modern beings.’ Based on the development process of discourses on the body as presented above, we examined issues in discourses on the body in modern novels, dividing them into ‘a model of group internalizing the system,’ ‘the way of existence of ‘individuals’ as modern men and women’ and ‘women’s body that reproduces women’s voice.’
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