ISSN : 1229-4632
Kollontaism, along with the theory of Ellen Key, is one of the most influential thoughts to women in the way that it created a new identity of liberated women. The works and influences of Ellen Key often have been subjects to be studied in many fields in academia such as social science and literature while the ones of Kollontai never received the same degree of attention. Kollontaism which is recently imported and introduced in Korea supports the idea of Free Love. The media, especially newspapers and magazines, magnified only one aspect of Free Love. From what the media conceived Free Love states merely 'Love making is a private affair. Without considering charms women should feel free to be sexually engaged with men,' with the 'Red Love.' This incomplete presentation ruthlessly hid her idea of 'The New Women' which also affected Korean literature as significantly as the Free Love. However Korean writers who came in touch with the socialism and Kollontaism during their stays in Japan as students or workers, being influenced by Kollontai's philosophy, created many intelligent female proletarian characters in their novels under proletarian literature. Also, deeply affected by Free Love they promoted socialist love to major motive in their works. I investigated the roles of female intellectual proletarians and 'socialist love' in Korean literature. From what I found via researching on two novels, 'Homeland' by Kiyoung Lee and 'Dawn of the North Country' by Hwasung Park was that both authors are heavily influenced by the ideals of Kollontai, 'The New Women' and 'Free Love.' Finally I came to the conclusion that her works have laid considerable effects on Korean literature as far as women's roles are concerned. A thorough analysis of Kollontai's works is our job ahead to do and the 'new women' from above novels are not the same as the 'new women' relating to old Korean literature. They are imported from western culture. I felt that more in depth analysis should be done about the novels focusing on the fact that female characters are created from men's
In colonial period, the translation of Ibsen had with an importance, getting over the needs of the theatrical world. It is that the translation of Ibsen is connected with the nationality making of 'Chosun literary art' and the sexual politics. However Noraism very radically became lively by modern media, the fact of 'translation' was slight and the play performed a few. The play is in a disadvantageous position for poetry and novel on a printing media and publication market. Besides, there is political reason. This phenomenon actually accord with the depths of the translation of Ibsen. The translation subjects discovered modern individual from Nora, this is the protection of Individualism. And the Individualism was the course imagining the nationality of Chosun. To the translation subjects, the position of Nora became colonial Chosun, the consciousness of Nora was read a kind of modern and decolonial planning―overcoming the premodern properties of Chosun society and Japan as the 'nation'. This diversion of Noraism surely was accompanied with a sexual politics. Even though subordinate 'Chosun' can be regarded in the same light as Nora, the realization of the future nation or nationality was due to the meaning of the male sex' recovery. Therefore the translation subjects, on the one hand had to acquire the justification of modern planning through Nora, and on the other had to guard Nora' holding for Chosun women. In result, they made Nora lock in the canon with severing from the practical moment, and by the justification instructed Chosun women. Then 'there was no Noraly Nora in Chosun'!
This thesis is based on investigating the effect of Ellen Key's thoughts in modern Korean, and Japanese literature. Modern Korean, and Japanese literature found the vision of 'Modern Self' and 'Social Revolution' in Ellen Key's thoughts. In addition, some Korean writer had written novel that was based on Ellen Key's thoughts. It is interesting that Such Novel has form 'Bildungsroman'. Ellen Key's thoughts is essentially Eugenics of motherhood and discourse of European romantic love. But her thoughts was changed into the simple discourse of romantic love in 1920's Korea and Japan. Because in that time, Korean and Japanese writer was interested in Modern european custom of love, marriage, equality between man and women, freedom of Self. That is the reason why Ellen Key's thoughts was not fully accommodated in 1920's Korea and Japan. Through the investigation of Ellen Key's thoughts, We can find the characteristic aspects in modern Korean and Japanese literature.
It is a civilization and enlightenment that is considered the most important thing in the Korean newspapers of 1900's. The educational system is raised an issue of practical method about civilization and enlightenment. There were many articles that the Korean should study the western culture and educational system to civilize and to prosper. The woman was not regarded as an important educational subject until that times. The woman become a topic in the newspapers as schoolgirs, the pupils' parents and members of women's associations. But there were no articles that were emphasized woman's concrete method to civilize and to reflect on their conduct to do. It was due to that they were brought over as a 'subordinative subject’ in the process of modernizing project. In the Koeran newpapers at that times, it was supported that the west was the model of modern civilization, so many Korean students should go abroad to study their science and knowledge. But there were very unusual points of view that the woman should go abroad or go the west to study something. In 1900's, Lee In-Jik(李人稙) wrote novels like Tears of Blood(HyelUiNoo), Silver World(EunSeGye), MoRanBong which were discribed the living and studying in the west of korean woman. But their life narrated very superficially, and their working in Korea after home-coming were discribed very vaguely. The narratives ended unfinished. Those narratives show that the writer intended to tell Korea has many problems to civilize, and they were very internal matters. It is the narrative politics that were written in the novels by Lee In-Jil in 1900's.
근대는 지리학의 발달에 따라 여행이 어느 때보다 강조된 시기이다. 한국의 경우도 예외는 아니다. 그런데 근대의 정신 속에서 강조된 여행의 개념은 여성의 여행과는 거리가 있다. 이는 여성과 불협화음으로 시작된 근대의 단면을 보여준다. 그러나 이러한 불화의 관계 속에서도 여성은 남성적 근대의 틈새에서 자신의 방식에 입각하여 근대적인 길을 개척하였다. 이 글은 한국 근대 신여성의 여행기를 통해 이에 대해 고찰해 보고자 한다. 근대 여성의 여행기에 대한 논의는 아직까지 본격화되지 않았다. 따라서 신여성의 여행 조건 및 여행기의 특성에 대해 국내 여행기를 통해 간단히 살펴보았다. 중점적으로 살핀 것은 나혜석, 박인덕 및 허정숙의 서양 여행기이다. 서양을 여행하고 체험하면서 그들이 어떻게 자기 정체성을 구성해나가는가 하는 점을 중심으로 살폈다. 한국 근대의 신여성이 서양을 여행하면서 부딪치는 것은 먼저 그들이 비서양인이요, 식민지인이요, 여성이라는 점이다. 이러한 그들의 존재 조건은 구미 여행의 성격을 규정짓는 중요한 층위로서 작용한다. 이로 인해 그들은 여행을 통해 주체자가 되는 동시에 타자가 되는 중첩적인 의식을 갖게 된다. 이것은 민족․젠더․인종의 관점에서도 그들을 분열적이고 자기 모순적인 존재가 되게 한다. 이러한 의식의 분열과 자기 모순성은 근대의 담론 속에서 한국의 신여성이 차지하는 위치에서 비롯된 것임을 살펴보았다. 이처럼 이들의 서양 여행기는 서양과 동양, 남성과 여성이라는 근대의 강요된 위계적 사유가 구성되는 과정을 살펴볼 수 있는 문제적인 텍스트이다. 이들 신여성 세 사람의 서양 체험을 통한 인식의 구성 과정과 양상을 살펴봄으로써 근대의 지식인들이 어떻게 서양을 받아들였는지에 대해서도 성찰해 볼 수 있을 것이다.
This paper researches how Park Noh-hae, who had struggled during his life as a popular poet and labor-emancipator in 1800s when feminism literature became serious on a full scale, describes women especially in his collection of poems-"Dawn of Labor" and "The True Beginning". As a result, three kinds of womanhood in his works have been deduced. First, the man speaker begins to recognize the unfairness between men and women by experiencing the share of housework. That is, comparing with absolutism under patriarchism and the oppressive labor situation under capitalism, he realizes that his behavior is the same as that of women. Although those women who are described through such realization appear to be "a good wife and wise mother" in his poem, it makes some difference compared to the traditional "good wife and wise mother" by illustrating the women who have strong comrade-awareness as working women. Second, he describes independent strong mothers and activist daughters in contrast with to obedient women. A woman as an activist, who is considered to be identified with a man, stands out as a leader of society. However, an activist woman is ideal only when they unite firmly with men in the field of labor. Ultimately, the woman who a man would want to be within in his whole life is described as a good wife and mother who assume home responsibilities. Third, women are supposed to be responsible with their typical roles such as housework, baby-sitting, looking after and educating their children at home, which have been traditionally regarded as women's original field. However, he gives so-called a "super woman" figure who must take the role of husband when the patriarch are away from home. In conclusion, Park Noh-hae has showed obedient, maternal, strong, and activistic women in a complicated way in the process of practising his ideals.
백석 시에서 방언과 음식, 방뇨행위, 명절의 풍습에 대한 구체적 일상사는 지금까지 민족문학이 보여준 당위성과 추상화를 넘어서게 한다. 구체적인 것으로서의 ‘사회적 리얼리티’를 구현한다. 미시사적 현상은 역사적으로 축적된 산 체험을 통해 일상화된 삶의 현장에서 여성적 연대감과 통일체를 형성한다. 어린 시절부터 몸으로 체득된 몸언어인 방언, 축적된 인자로서의 음식물, 풍속은 언어적인 중재 매체나 의식의 관념적 주입을 벗어난 ‘진정한 육체적 경험’, ‘몸기억으로의 체험’을 불러낸다. 그럼에도 몇 가지 짚고 넘어갈 것은 식민당시 민족문인들과 마찬가지로 백석은 민족 삶에 대한 재현 구상에서 여성을 민족과 동일시하고 있다는 점이다. 여성을 외세의 압박으로부터 지켜내야 할 순수한 문화적 본질로 가정하면서 순수하고 탈역사적인 기표로 구성한다. 하여 백석 시에서 모성성의 공간은 식민현실을 위협하기도 하고 품어주기도 한다. 모성성이 내포하는 몸기억을 통한 자아정체성의 환기와 동시에 ‘환상적 동일시’에 의한 무역사성이라는 이중성이다. 백석 시에서 모성의 공간은 민족성과 결부되면서 이와같은 복합성을 띤다. 백석 시는 근대라는 총체적 이데올로기에 포섭되지 않는 대응의 방식을 식민지 외부에서 찾는 것이 아니라 식민지 내부 즉 일상적이고 구체적 현장, 변방문화라는 탈근대적 형식에서 찾아낸다. 그럼에도 그의 유년은 타자의 흔적이 없는 환상적 리얼리즘이라는 점에서 오히려 식민지성을 추상화하는 것은 아닌가 하는 의아심이 들기도 한다. 민족의 자기동일성 회복의 과정을 변방, 모성, 가족 개념에서 찾는다는 점에서 민족문학의 한 지형을 드러내면서 동시에 민족을 젠더화함으로써 또다시 추상화하는 딜레마다. 결국 백석 시는 민족 기억의 문제와 모성성의 복합성을 가장 문학적으로 드러낸 증좌가 될 것이다.
Ecofeminism is the core of poetic spirit of the poet, Seok-wu Hwang. It is the world which is started from life. That's why the source of meaning is from nature and woman. And the quest for life is mixed with a sex problem. Therefore, sexual expression is a rhetorical way to pursue life for Seok-wu Hwang absorbed to explore life. Likewise, Eroticism can be a problem closely related to life to Ecofeminists. To describe nature using human body means the power of life, where the body of nature is concentrated on woman's body mainly to remind motherhood. That is, the primitive order full of life is recovered through eroticism. Therefore Ecofeminism usually is realized by eroticism. It is the very Eroticism. Eroticism has special features which are comparing nature with woman's sexual body and intending the ideal world filled with life, considering something sexual as motherhood. It is the world of Utopia which is full of primitive life for Seok-wu, Hwang to have been pursued. The passion of safety and conservation leads him to make the paradigm of poetry. He expresses the nature as a sexualized body, a net, and motherhood. I divide the types of Ecofeminism presented in his poetry into three things based on above the paradigm.
이 연구는 1929년의 광주학생운동을 이어 1930년대 초에 전개된 서울의 여학생 시위 운동을 주도하고 이후 혁명적 노동조합 운동에 투신했던 여성 활동가 집단의 존재에 주목하여, 그들의 행적을 구체적으로 밝히고, 그들의 대변자로서 작가 임순득을 상정하여, 임순득의 작품을 통해서 그 여성들의 내면과 그들이 지향한 민족 해방과 여성 해방의 이상을 밝힘으로써 지금까지 공백으로 되어 온 1930년대 식민주의에 저항한 여성들의 운동과 문학의 실상을 밝히는 것을 목표로 했다. 1930년대 초 근우회의 해산 이래 사회주의 계열의 여성운동은 지하화하면서 새로운 종류의 여성들이 등장하게 되었다. 1920년대는 ‘신여성’으로 통칭되었던 이들은 1920년대 말부터 ‘모던 걸’과 ‘맑스 걸’ 혹은 ‘콜론타이스트’로 나뉘어 인식되었고 1930년대의 억압적 상황에서 모던 걸이 교사나 현모양처로서 현대여성으로 정착하는 것과 대조적으로 콜론타이스트의 후예들은 지하운동을 통해 자기를 단련시켜 나갔다. 1930년대 혁명적 노동조합 운동에 투신한 박진홍, 이경선, 이순금 같은 여성과 작가 임순득은 1930년 초의 서울의 여학생 운동을 겪었고, 동덕여고보에서 독서회 활동, 동맹휴업 같은 학생 운동을 함께 벌인 인물이다. 이들 중 박진홍, 이순금은 이전 사회주의 계열의 여성들에게 풍미했던 ‘콜론타이즘’에서 출발했지만 실제 생활과 지하운동의 과정에서 시행착오와 자기 비판을 거쳐 공적인 일과 사적인 연애가 서로 분리되지 않고 상호 연관 속에서 평등한 남녀관계를 모색하는 데까지 나아갔다. 작가로서 임순득은 여성문학사에서 지금까지 1930년대 후반 여성 문단의 주류를 이루었다고 알려진 최정희, 모윤숙, 노천명 등 여성 문인들의 ‘여류문학’을 비판하고, 그들이 대부분 친일문학에 나섰던 것과 대조적으로 일본의 식민주의를 우회적으로 비판하는 작품들을 썼다.
하일지의 소설 경마장 가는 길은 그 시점에 있어 외부초점을 채택하고 있다. 외부초점이란 주인공을 비롯한 작중인물들의 의식이 드러나지 않는 서술 방식이다. 초점 체계 하에서 화자는 무비 카메라의 렌즈와도 같이 작중인물을 외부에서만 묘사한다. 이러한 외부초점이 독자의 책읽기에 미치는 효과 중 가장 중요한 것은 객관성이다. 화자가 작중인물 중 어느 누구의 시점도 채택하지 않는 까닭에 독자는 화자의 서술이 중립적이고 투명하다는 인상을 받는다. 주인공 R과 그의 애인 J의 관계에 대한 일종의 재판과도 같은 성격을 띤 이 소설에서 이러한 객관성은 매우 중요하다. 재판이란 공평무사해야하기 때문이다. 그러므로 이 소설이 채택한 외부초점은 이 소설의 성격에 매우 잘 부합하는 초점 체계이다. 그러나 이 소설에는 외부초점 체계에 대한 위반, 즉 변조의 예들이 상당수 존재한다. 이러한 위반의 경우, 화자의 시점은 외부에 대한 객관적 묘사에서 벗어나 R의 시점을 반영한다. 경마장 가는 길에 나타난 외부초점 체계의 변조에 대한 분석을 통해 우리는 이 소설이 표방하는 화자의 객관성이 눈속임에 불과하다는 점을 살펴보았다. 결론적으로 말해서 이 소설의 화자는 남자 주인공인 R과 부분적으로 겹쳐지거나, 적어도 공범 관계에 있는 인물이다. 즉, 이 소설이 고집하고 있는 외부초점 서술은 결국 표면적으로 객관적 서술이라는 느낌을 줌으로써 주인공인 R의 정당성을 극대화하는 기제에 불과하다는 것이다. 따라서 이 소설을 통해 진행되는 남녀간의 재판은 전혀 공정하지 않다. 객관적인 심판자로 간주되는 화자가 편파적인 시각을 가지고 있다면, 그리고 그것을 철저히 은폐하고 있다면 공정한 재판이란 애초에 불가능하기 때문이다.
1920~30년대 식민지적 자본주의의 토대 위에서 ‘문화’라는 키워드는 개성, 교양, 취미라는 개념들과 계열관계를 형성하면서 신여성들의 욕망을 추동하고 발현하도록 도왔다. 본고는 이 시기의 대표적인 여성잡지인 『신여성』을 텍스트로 해서, 당시 대중문화의 장(場) 안에서 신여성이 근거하는 지점을 살펴보고자 한다. 1절에서는 신여성이 대중문화와 조우하는 현장을 활동사진과 유행가 음반을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 그 안에서 잡지 『신여성』은 스크린의 활동사진을 지면상에서 읽는 텍스트로 전환하여 독자에게 제공하기도 했고, 활동사진과 음반의 구매를 유도하기도 했다. 2절에서는 신여성들을 대중문화의 소비자로 호출하는 반면, 한편에서는 끊임없이 신여성들을 억압하고 위험 담론을 재생산했던 남성들의 교묘한 금기의 수사학을『신여성』내의 다양한 목소리들을 통해 드러내고자 했다. 그러나 신여성들은 일면 부정적인 (남성)사회의 시선에도 불구하고 대중문화를 무기력하게 구매하고 즐기기만 한 것이 아니라 심지어 생산 과정에 투신하여 생산주체가 되고자 했다. 여배우, 여가수라는 근대적인 직업을 욕망하기 시작했고, 영화광․극다광(劇多狂), 플랩퍼형 여성 등의 근대적 인간형을 주조해내기도 했다. 이상과 같은 근대적 인간형의 창출과 신여성의 라이프 스타일의 변모는 3․4절에서 고찰하였다. 신여성이 자신들의 존재감을 구체적으로 획득하고, 과거와는 다른 방식의 근대적이고 적극적인 여성 주체를 확립하는데 있어 대중문화는 긍정적인 기제로 작용했다. 그 과정에서 신여성들의 대중문화 소비가 과시적 포즈로만 표출되거나, 구여성과의 위계가 공고해지는 여성 내부의 모순들이 발생한 것도 사실이다. 하지만 사회의 허용과 통제, 권유와 비난이 동시에 작용했던 이중적인 대중문화의 공간 안에서, 신여성들의 적극적인 욕망의 발현과 구체적 체험의 결과는 가부장적 남성사회에 균열을 내는 효과를 발휘했다는 점에서 의미가 있다고 하겠다.
Purpose of this paper is to examine motives and realization method of feminin writing, through looking into the readers'column in New Woman(新女性)of the women magazine in the 1920s. New Woman opened the readers'column and continued to encourage readers writing since the first publication. Women readers of New Woman began to express the inner of themselves in writing. However, enlightening editorial police of New Woman was reflected with not change in the reader's column, whose editors were, for the most part, male. The editors infused the idea of feminin writing as the sentimental into their readers and tamed feminin writing as that way, and also misesteemed feminin writing at the same standard. Women readers wrote according for taste of the magazine under editors' guidance. However, several writers of New Women refuted logically this prejudiced idea of male editors, which was proved through reasonal and critic essays of the real of women readers. The readers'column in New Woman shows that feminin writing in the 1920~30s formed in the adaptation and resistance of the male centric discourse.
The aim of this essay is the study of root consciousness represented in Korean Chinese writers. Before the reform of 1970s, Korean Chinese writers cannot investigate the root of their ethnic because the government only requires the identity of minor ethnicity in China. After the reform, Korean Chinese writers acquire the freedom of representing the root consciousness . Many writers such as Hu Ryun-Soon, the author of The Flower of Wind(1996) fight to find the identity of Korean Chinese in their novel. Because many Korean Chinese immigrate to China after the Japanese invasion to resist or survive, they regard Korea as the father land. The ethnic commonness of Korean and Korean Chinese is the basis of this identity finding. Common language and custom are also closely connected with root consciousness. The way of representing the root consciousness is complex. Some writers find the identity by way of historical approach such as historical novel dealing with the life of people under the Japanese rule. Other writers investigate the identity politics by way of contemporary communication such as visiting Korea.
The critics of modern Chinese literature estimate that Xiao Hong and Lu Xun have the common feature. Both great writers investigate the radical and fundamental issue, "the history of human mind, the history of the social relationship" rather than the historical main discourse, the revolution and the resistance. When Xiao Hong made her debut on the literature stage in the 1930s, the situation of woman writers was different from that of the period of the May 4th movement. They had to live as a member of the people who struggled on the resistance to Japan and the revolution confronted with their country rather than as a woman of the liberated intellectual. Xiao Hong not only criticizes the main discourse of the history but also reveals the human nature, the contradiction and the complicated matters that exist in the marginal part of the history with the deeper and wider insight. She understands that the problems of nation, gender and social class have got complicated in the human mind. The theme of her novel is too multi-layered and complex, so that we do not approach it in the one single direction. The greatest spiritual pivot of the novel of Xiao Hong is the love of life and human beings. Moreover she describes the individual characters and their psychology prominently through her insight with gender perspective into marginal beings of history. This paper, based on the above point of view, examines the life of Xiao Hong and the characteristics of her works. Through this study, we expect to understand Xiao Hong's literature more profoundly and to evaluate its literary value.
The goal of this thesis is to study a method to construct a female subjectivity in Kim Seung-ok's novel, <streetwalking at night(야행)>. When this novel's woman character is constructed to a subject, a point to constitute woman's subjectivity confines only by the woman's sexuality. And the author gives the character of rational modern individual to this woman. At the same time, he mingles she and whores on the street in the metropolis, Seoul. It is to say that the sexual desire haves value when it is controled by the rational modern individualistic project. In this insistence, we can see that this woman belongs to the middle class. And in this thesis, to examine woman character, uses the term, flâneuse. This is very useful to explain the complex situation she becomes men's object to gaze and the subject to see.
This dissertation takes aim at finding out modern characteristics of 'Buyongsansagok' (the story of Buyong's love song) which was using a familiar flame called Gisang and Sunbi. The time of last 19th to early 20th century is the period of that Kososeol which is product of old date coexisted and competed with Sinsoseol which is that of new era. Kososeol was obliged to change in the variation of publishing world which was increasing publishers and printers and extension of commercial profits pursuit. The Kososeol which was created in that times is reflected the requirement of social changes in the way of that both assimilated existing readers of Kososeol who was extended to country women and urban labors and incorporated readers' requests that satisfied their hunger for change. Especially, love stories are the very thing to observe the section of female identity that had society members of that period because it's female character leads it's narrative development, what is more, it's female character didn't conceal their identity to be include in 'male's world'. 'Buyongsangsagok' has modern characteristics not a structural respect which changes of introduction, necessities of characters and events but which affirmation of female's identity to make much of pursuing love as human's nature. As things turns out, 'Buyongsangsagok' inherited old novel's traditions and accepted readers' new requirements as time passes.