ISSN : 1229-4632
Interest in the ghosts of the Korean War is an interest in the costs of war, primarily death and other war experiences that have not been mourned or recorded. That is, it is an interest in capturing the “life/death” that cannot be mourned, the “oblivion/memories” that cannot be uttered, and the “pain/voices” that cannot be verbalized. This interest does not only refer to an ethical attitude toward minorities and others. Indeed, as the word “ghost” implies, war experiences and the harm war causes cannot be mourned and are not forgotten; they penetrate through time and do not disappear. Moreover, they often reappear and are deeply involved in daily life. This paper recognizes that most of the harms of war, including civilians being shot to death, disappearances, and killings, do not leave behind dead bodies that can be found to prove the damage. Therefore, I establish invisible war damage as a historical fact, and I seek to ask why the victims of massacres had no choice but to become ghosts. While focusing on the works of Kang Yong-jun, Yoon Heung-gil, Park Wan-seo, and Kim Keum-sook, I examine the social and cultural contexts that create ghosts and look at the “placelessness” of ghosts rather than their existence by evoking “folded time and space.”
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