ISSN : 1225-6706
This study aims to explore how social conflicts resulting from thermal effluentsof nuclear power plants have been shaped and how they have changed the community,while paying attention to the fact that thermal effluents, not just radioactiverisk, have caused environmental conflicts and various social changes. To do this,this study selected Gyema-ri Hongnong-eup Younggwang-gun as a study site andconducted field research and in-depth interviews with diverse stake-holders. Thisstudy then carried out a conflict analysis to analyze causes and development processesof conflicts and to grasp changes in the community. As a result, this study foundthat conflict from thermal effluents of the research site has been deepened throughconflict stages of embryo, expression, extension, escalation and deadlock. In addition,it identified three major conflicting issues including the scope of damage resultingfrom thermal effluents, the reduction effect of the discharge article, and the scopeof compensation scope and way. It also found that the Gyema-ri community aroundthe Hanvit nuclear power plant has experienced conflicts among local residents andhas consequently been split. The conflicts have been shaped between fishermen andnon-fishermen, residents of Gyema-ri and others, and among fishermen, beyond theoriginal confrontation between fishermen of the Gyema-ri and the Hanvit nuclearpower plant. This study result implies that it is necessary to grasp broader socialimpacts of nuclear power plants and to take nuclear policies more cautiously basedon holistic understanding of problems caused by nuclear power.
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홍농읍사무소 홍농읍 행정리별 인구현황(2013.08) 자료