ISSN : 1225-6706
This study is an interpretation on the ‘Chido’(治道; which means governingstreets) theory of Okgyun Kim and Younghyo Park, who is well known as leadersof Gahwa faction(開化派), in the late 19th century. In correspondence with thecontemporary theoretical viewpoints of both urban governmentality and multiscalarpolitics, the author elucidates three features of the ’Chido’ theory as follows: 1)obvious influences of the Bukhak(北學) school to the Kim and Park’s theory, 2)proper backgrounds for importing the urban governmental technologies fromWestern countries and the mutation of the technologies in Joseon, 3) two historicalconditions as justification logics of the ‘Chido’ theory. In conclusion, this researchargues that Kim and Park’s theory was an interdisciplanary and integrated theorywhich had three simultaneous goals: 1) a strategy to prove that Joseon held qualificationfor membership of the international order driven by spatio-temporal expansionof Western Powers, 2) a plan to enhance national prosperity and militarydefence by accelerating commodity circulation, 3) a way of policing and discipliningJoseon people and making them governable.
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