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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

International Regulations and Regional Growth: A Case Study of Multifiber Arrangement of WTO

Space and Environment / Space and Environment, (P)1225-6706; (E)2733-4295
2015, v.25 no.2, pp.52-88


This paper examines the impact of international regulations or institutions onthe geography of a global production network(GPN) and its consequent regionalgrowth. The GPN theory, which the paper draws upon, explains well how variousactors such as firms, states, and CSOs are interconnected in a multi-scalar geographicalstructures and how they produce, distribute, and consume goods and serviceswithin the network. The literature so far, however, pays little attention tonon-firm actors, especially to international regulatory systems that all GPNs areembedded within. Their significance is widely recognized, but empirical studies havenot been sufficiently conducted. For the reason, the paper aims at conceptualizinghow international regulations affect the dynamics among actors within GPNs anda strategic coupling process between TNCs in a GPN and a region(or regional institutions). This process is then explored and examined through a case study ofWTO/MFA(Multifibre Arrangement). The empirical analysis demonstrates that MFAhas changed the geography of GPNs and resulted in different regional growth inthe three groups of countries-advanced industrial, main exporting, and leastdevelopment.

세계생산네트워크, 국제 규제, 지역 성장, 세계생산지리, WTO/MFA, GPN, international regulations, regional development, production geography, WTO/MFA



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Space and Environment