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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Critical understanding of current implication of Smart City focusing on information and communication technology, governance, sustainability and urban development

Space and Environment / Space and Environment, (P)1225-6706; (E)2733-4295
2017, v.27 no.1, pp.128-155

(University College London)


Smart city which was initiated with an attempt for effective urban management and better quality of urban life using ICT has far bigger implication at the time of 2017. Generality and expandability of the word,‘Smart’ extends its domain to governance, merge discussion of ‘sustainable city’, and even get connected to the desire of developing countries who wants to have core urban infrastructure in timely and effective manner. This paper tried to review the current meaning of the expanded smart city focusing on four main pillars of ICT applied urban solution, governance, sustainability, and decent urban development. Many of arguments in smart city discussion in Korea reveal their intention to approach developing countries for their commercial purposes with mere ICT applied urban development. However, sincere discussion over smart city with developing countries requires an approach for sharing the experience in addressing lack of urban infrastructure from rapid urbanisation and current efforts for more participatory governance and enhanced sustainability in terms of social and environmental aspects. In addition, an effort for the provision of affordable urban infrastructure considering the constraint of budget in developing countries can extend the base of Korean smart city further.

Smart City, ICT, Governance, Sustainablity, Urban Development, 스마트시티, 정보통신기술, 거버넌스, 지속가능성, 도시개발



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Space and Environment