ISSN : 1225-6706
This paper investigates the urbanization process of China by reviewing its land banking system. The analysis on market making type land banking system illustrates transitional characteristics of Chinese urbanization process. For the purpose of understanding the urbanization process and land banking system in China, this study first analyzes the dual land tenure system which forms the foundation of both subjects. Afterwards the characteristics and land supply process of the land bank system are analyzed to clarify the nature of the land bank system in China’s urbanization process and the effects of the land banking system on the urbanization process, respectively. The government of China established and adopted land banking system with the intention of reinforcing national intervention on land markets, and land banks have been accounted as passage for those intervention by providing tremendous amount of land supply. However, this form of intervention remains temporary while it relies on monopoly in initial stage of urban land supply, as new additional urban land supply from land banks decreases along with an advance of urbanization.
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