ISSN : 1225-6706
This study examines a series of state’s spatial projects centered in Seoul in the early 1960s, when Korean developmentalist state came in. While enhancing Seoul’s legal status, that time’s government expanded the scale of city of Seoul and established a regional scale of Seoul Capital Area combining Seoul and its satellite cities (combined Seoul and its satellite cities into Seoul Capital Area). Such project composed a part of territorialization that the state (sovereign) power ought to do and at the same time, a process that spatially express the strategic selection of that time’s political regime. This article aims to offer an explanation on a critical part of developmental state’s spatiality by historically examining major decision-making processes since the Korean War, which has been limitedly address as unofficial history. Also, by analytically identifying political issues that were entangled with the capital region in 1960s, this article argues that the state spatial processes can not only mobilize urban political resources, but also create urban developmental discourses.
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