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Space and Environment

  • P-ISSN1225-6706
  • E-ISSN2733-4295
  • KCI

Precarization of the Socially Disadvantaged in the City: A Critique and Extension of The Precariat Theory

Space and Environment / Space and Environment, (P)1225-6706; (E)2733-4295
2017, v.27 no.4, pp.36-78


This paper aims to critically review the Precariat theory and theorize the precarization of the socially disadvantaged in the city, and to confirm its validity by applying this conceptual framework to an analysis of Korean cities. I theoretically argue that the concept of ‘exclusion’ is at the heart of explaining the precarization in the relations of consumption and reproduction, which remains blank in the theory of Precariat. An analysis of interview data from activists of NGOs representing the socially weak corroborates that social exclusion and spatial exclusion indeed increase their precarity. In the social dimension, the lives of the weak are becoming more precarious due to the lack of participation and the lack of interdependent social relations. In the spatial dimension, urban development and redevelopment process involving the commodification of space leads to the rise of land rent, residential segregation, and reduction of public space, thereby precarizing the lives of the weak. In a nutshell, exclusion leads to the precarization of the socially weak, thereby creating the objective condition of the Precariat. However, exclusion also has the role of hindering the formation of class consciousness by weakening the willingness to participate in community activities and solidarity of the socially weak. This suggests that the overcoming of exclusion is a prerequisite for overcoming the precarity of the weak and for promoting the solidarity and cooperation of this group.

Socially disadvantaged, precarization, Precariat, social exclusion, spatial exclusion, inclusive city, 사회적 약자, 불안정화, 불안계급, 사회적 배제, 공간적 배제, 포용도시



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Space and Environment