ISSN : 1225-6706
The housing question in S. Korea are mainly spawning in the form of social conflicts surrounding the gap in access to owner-occupied house and the stratification effect of housing consumption. However, previous researches have not fully clarified the uniqueness of these housing problems and their origins. This paper argues that the housing question inherent in Korean society is derived from the special housing service supply system defined as ‘the resource mobilization-based housing provision chain’. This chain refers to the provision network, which is characterized by the dependence of private actors on financial resources and uneven exchange of costs and benefits resulting therefrom. This chain structured the bonds of interest between the government, large developers & house builders, and home-owning households, but also produced conflicts and strains between social actors due to the imbalance between cost burden and benefits, in addition to the problem of rising housing costs derived from speculative supply structure. In this regard, the housing question in Korean society is characterized by a social crisis in which the social disagreement surrounding the resource mobilization-based model and its cost-benefit structure explodes.
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법제처 국가법령정보센터.