ISSN : 1225-6706
Despite the good intention, there are many side effects in the process of artificially disconnecting the continuous urban and rural areas with land ownership system. In this sense, this paper compared China and North Korea’s strategies to overcome dual land ownership structure. Specifically, this paper analyzed: the changes of rural land systems in China and North Korea, and the differences in coping strategies for overcoming the dual land ownership structure, and finally the causes of the differences of strategies. First, comparing the changes in the rural land system between China and North Korea, the two countries had similar direction of starting with the individual land ownership and going out to collective ownership. But the important difference was that China maintained collective ownership and proceeded with a strategy of both protecting the property rights of each household and implementing urban-rural integration development, while North Korea implemented a Responsible Farmland System under the management of small group, and is going to the nationalization of collective farmland. The core of China’s coping strategy is a ‘complementary’ approach, and the core of North Korea’s coping strategy is a ‘disassembly’ approach. This paper derived the reasons of the differences: first, the difference of contribution of farmers to the establishment of revolutionary regimes, second, the difference in urban development strategies and side effects, and finally the difference in approaches to dual land ownership criteria as ‘space’ versus ‘owner’. Now the North Korea’s remaining task is to what level Responsible Farmland System will be changed to protect farmers’ private property rights when the government has secured all the control over rural land. And another task is that, on this basis, the government will reform the agricultural cooperatives and use them as a strategy for developing rural areas or not.
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