ISSN : 1225-6706
This study aims to criticize the dominant vision in our society that a smart city will serve as a new growth engine and facilitate democracy in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In particular, we question the existing discourses that smart cities will create a transparent governance system and substantially realize democracy in urban society, and pay attention to negative political impacts. For this, we review the western literature on smart city governance and democracy, and identify three problems in terms of smart city governance: consolidation of urban entrepreneurialism, expansion of technocracy, and routinization of digital surveillance. In addition, we examine China’s smart city policies as a case to specifically reveal these problems and claim that the expansion of smart cities will not lead to the enhancement of efficiency, convenience, sustainability and civil participation in politics but become a new threat to democracy. The critical examination of the Chinese case will provide us with a meaningful opportunity for reflection upon our reality to prioritize and privilege smart cities and promise a variety of benefits and support.
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