ISSN : 1225-6706
This paper is to consider two fundamental problems in terms of the Anthropocene and ‘green transformation’, that is, limitation of the dualism of society and nature inherent in the Western modernity, and problems of capitalist society-nature in rapid industrialization and urbanization, looking on global ecological crisis in a coupling process of the socio-economic system and the earth system, and to discuss both alternative epistemology of society-nature and important socio-ecological issues for green transformation. For these aims, this paper suggests first of all that what would be called as ‘green transformation’ is necessary to generate the Anthropocene in a true sense, while dealing with some characteristics of global ecological crisis in terms of the ‘planetary boundary’. As the green transformation for the Anthropocene requires substantial change of human consciousness and social structure which have promoted global ecological crisis, limitations of the society/nature dualism and a new epistemology to overcome it is discussed, a socio-ecological contradiction of capitalist economic system pursuing unlimited growth is explained, and finally some tasks for green transformation of each aspect of society are listed.
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