ISSN : 1225-6706
Inspired by the concept of Henry Lefebvre’s urban society, I attempt to conceptualize the Korean Peninsula energy transition as a desirable future, not an expected future. The current debate on urban energy transition has tended to downplay the spatial interrelationship between the city and the non-city where resource extraction sites, power plants and power cables are placed for the growth of the city. Alternatively, by emphasizing urbanizing urban energy transition sensitive to the critical role of the non-city area in the historical process of urbanization, it promotes the future wave of the urban energy transition. I expect that the new sociological and geographical imagination that sees the Korean Peninsula as an urban will make a crack on Korea’s static division system and its resultant top-down governance for a successful transition. As a concrete strategy, I suggest keeping North Korea’s fossil fuels in the ground under the logic of urban commoning.
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