ISSN : 1225-6706
This paper reveals that shadow education has acquired the practical power to construct middle class neighborhood with illustrating their residential practice combined with shadow education, and argues that problem lies both in Korean residential planning model and space production mode that are prone to strengthen the hierarchical class coherence. As the residential neighborhood for middle class is the space that organizes their daily lives specifically, its components or arrangements are Habitus conditions for their class reproduction. The ‘neighborhood unit’ model, which was quoted from the land readjustment projects for middle class residence by Japanese colonial authority, has been transformed and institutionalized into the legalistic design standard for housing plan through iterative projects of complex-type apartment construction triggered by the large-scale housing supply policy. Starting with Gangnam, as apartments, apartment complexes, and newtown developments turned into the mainstream of Korean middle class residence, the public model of neighborhood unit, which used to believe in the public education within walkable vicinity and common sphere of community living, was deformed into a stratum model that selectively organizes public and shadow education. Increasing dependence on shadow education and frequent reconstruction of aging apartment complexes by private companies bolster the classist neighborhood planning model with internalized facilities for shadow education and elite enclave only for the dwellers. As this transformation illuminates the significance of the neighborhood as Habitus, one can predict that the upcoming regeneration of middle class residence in Korea lies in line with the class reproduction condition.
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