ISSN : 1225-6706
This study is an attempt to reflect on the fieldwork experience that researcher conducted while writing doctoral dissertation, with the view that researcher should be emphasized as part of both researcher and participants rather than being absolute and objective. The results of this study are as follows. First, researcher is not an absolute being that always remains neutral and objective in the process of research. Second, research participants are not passive objects that exist to provide the necessary information, but are active agents who engage in the research process, performing horizontal or hierarchical relationships with researcher in accordance with their context. In fieldwork, some research participants continue to check whether their remarks are appropriate to meet the goals or hypotheses of the research set by the researcher while some participants attempt to take the initiative in interviews and control the researchers using the situation of the ‘researcher who is in dire need of an interview.’ Third, the argument that the process of knowledge production, which is reproduced in papers and publications after rigorous field research, will be disembodied and objective is a kind of fantasy and god’s trick in that it goes through the process of translating into the language of researcher.
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