ISSN : 1225-6706
Based upon the discussions of critical geopolitics, we explore how particular discourses and practices on Japan emerged and developed in South Korea through social issues sparked by the Japanese clothing brand Uniqlo’s controversial commercial that was accused of mocking South Korea’s victims under Japan’s colonial rule. Specifically, we examine the social and geopolitical context in which the controversies around the Uniqlo commercial erupted and how the discourses caused by this ad evolved into various social practices such as boycotts and protests. In addition, we investigate how bottom-up geopolitical and geoeconomic discourses and practices intensely contested counter-discourses and practices and were grafted onto another social conflict. Through this analysis, we criticize the approach to naturalize nationalism as a tool for strengthening state legitimacy and note private companies (non-state actors) as a significant geopolitical player who can bear on inter-state conflict. While existing critical geopolitical approaches have been criticized for textualism, we expect that our analysis can enrich critical geopolitics through shedding light on dynamic processes of production of discourses, expansion into various practices and political contestations.
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