ISSN : 1225-6706
Jeju Global Education City(JGEC) attracts educational migration to Jeju as an alternative space for overseas study and English education. This study aims to examine the placeness of JGEC formed by educational migration mobility and discusses the social and spatial implications. To this end, we investigate differential features and landscapes of JGEC compared to the existing Jeju. In addition, we examine how educational migration mobility is embedded to JGEC by doing so, how JGEC is perceived as a place by migrants. We found that educational migrants produced a heterogeneous site, practiced temporary embeddedness and relationships with other actors in JGEC, and lived with a sense of place as a passage to other spaces. As a result, JGEC constructs heterogeneity, temporality, and passageness of placeness through educational migration mobility.
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교육부 외국교육기관 및 외국인종합안내서비스,
서귀포시 홈페이지(주민등록통계),
제주국제자유도시개발센터 홈페이지,
제주특별자치도교육청 홈페이지,
제주특별자치도 홈페이지,