ISSN : 1229-067X
This study examined the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the Strengths Use Scale (SUS; Linley & Govindji, 2007). Four hundred and fifty-three undergraduates, graduated students, and employees completed the research packet. The results of exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis favoured the two-factor structure of the K-SUS in this sample over the one-factor structure. Also, the results of reliability analysis provided support for the reliability of the K-SUS. The K-SUS was correlated positively with measures of positive affect, satisfaction with life, hope, self efficacy, and psychological well-being, but negatively with negative affect, hopelessness, and perceived stress. This supports good convergent and criterion-related validity of the K-SUS. Also, hierarchical multiple regression results suggested that the K-SUS accounted for unique additional variance in predicting subjective well-being and psychological well-being beyond the variance explained by self-efficacy and hope. This study discussed potential cultural differences in the concept of hope, the utility of the K-SUS, and study limitations.
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