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Korean Journal of Psychology: General

  • P-ISSN1229-067X
  • E-ISSN2734-1127
  • KCI

Standardization Study for the Korean Version of Parenting Stress Index Fourth Edition (K-PSI-4)

Korean Journal of Psychology: General / Korean Journal of Psychology: General, (P)1229-067X; (E)2734-1127
2019, v.38 no.2, pp.247-273


In this study, the Korean-Parenting Stress Index 4th Edition(K-PSI-4) was developed by translating the Parenting Stress Index 4th Edition(PSI-4), and standardization was carried out. In order to solve the problem of awkward translation of Korean-Parenting Stress Index(K-PSI) and to produce more clear statements, all the items were re-translated by 3-step translation process, and finally completed through consultation from experts and parents. 1,333 parents of typically developing children (age range: 1 to 12 years) answered health-related questionnaire, K-PSI-4, Parental Confidence Questionnaire for preschooler or child, and 36-Item Short Form Health Survey(SF-36). After 2-4 weeks, parents who agreed in advance answered K-PSI-4 retest or K-PSI, Korean-Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 1.5-5(K-CBCL 1.5-5) or Korean-Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6-18(K-CBCL 6-18), Patient Health Questionnaire 9(PHQ-9), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7(GAD-7). In order to develop the norms, K-PSI-4 score differences between sex and age of children were analyzed. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were calculated to verify the reliability. K-PSI-4 was administered to parents of children with mental disorder and parents of typically developing children in order to verify discriminant validity. Concurrent validity was verified by conducting correlation analysis between K-PSI-4 and other measures, and by analyzing differences in parental confidence according to the level of parenting stress. Convergent validity was confirmed by correlation analysis between subscales and domains of K-PSI-4. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to identify the factor structure of K-PSI-4 along the structure of PSI-4. The results confirmed that K-PSI-4 was psychometrically reliable and valid tool for parenting stress. Finally, the implications and limitations of this standardization study were discussed.

Parenting Stress Index, Parenting stress, Standardization, 부모 양육스트레스 검사, 양육스트레스, 표준화



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Korean Journal of Psychology: General