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ISSN : 1229-0696
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a series of factors on adaptive performance, reflecting today's change-driving organizational environment. As antecedents of adaptive performance, this research examined the job burnout that is produced by prolonged stress, the individuals' perception of psychological collectivism at work that is presumed to continue to weak in the way of organizational globalization, and two factors out of five-factor personality dimensions as individual difference variables. The study also tested interaction effects among these antecedents. The study conducted a survey research to 204 while-collar employees working in various organizations. Results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses largely supported the hypothesized pattern; it found strong main effects of all of the three predictor variables as well as the interaction effect of burnout and collectivism on adaptive performance in a way that collectivism acted a buffering role in the negative effect of burnout. The study also revealed that this moderating effect of collectivism was stronger for individuals with lower emotional stability, showing the three-way interaction effect. Similar relational patterns were found when openness to experience was considered as personality factor, except the three-way interaction that was insignificant. Suggestions for future research and practical implications were provided based on the findings.
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