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ISSN : 1229-0696
The previous researches have found that the collectivistic culture positively relate with flight attitude involved with accident and accident rates, but individualistic culture negative relate with them. On the other hand, the model in which the management strategy do mediating effect on the relation between culture and safety accidents have been proposed. Based on previous researches, this survey examined whether pilot's self-construal involved with culture influence to the pilot's hazardous flight attitude in Korea. In addition this survey tested hypothesis that self-inhibiting defense mediate in the relation between interdependent self-construal and hazardous flight attitude and that the moderating effect of self-esteem in the relation between self-inhibiting defense and hazardous flight attitude. The sample consisted of 142 ab initio pilots and occupational pilots. The questionnaire was composed of Hazardous Attitude Scale, Self- construal Scale, Defense Style Questionnaire and Self-esteem Scale. To determine the mediating effect and the moderating effect, Baron-Kenny's stepwise method and multiple regression were used. As a result, the effect of independent self-construal relevant to the individualistic culture on hazardous attitude was not significant. Only the effect of interdependent self-construal relevant to the collectivistic culture on hazardous attitude was significant. Self-inhibiting defense style had the full mediating effect on the relation between interdependent self-construal and hazardous flight attitude. In addition, the moderating effects of self-esteem are proved. Finally, the implications of these results are discussed.
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