ISSN : 1229-4632
In the literary studies of Japanese fierce colonizing period, disease does not mean simply a matter of material. It is considered not as a narrative of personal and private experience, but as a meaningful literary discourse. The disease including agony, gloom, weariness, nervous breakdown, and so on, has been discussed as a kind of "disease of metaphor" with a social and historical character. But this discussion has not been founded in the studies of woman character. This article aims to reconsider how and why woman or her body represented compared to man. The woman body, particularly in the 1930s' novel appeared striking features. Above all, neurosis was divided into nervousness and hysteria according to man and woman. The hysteria at that time meant a personal and subjective sentiment such as fret, lack, jealousy, trouble between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The nervousness of man implied to a metaphor of creative motives or social and historical sufferings. The different expressions of neurosis result from man seeing it, who produces discourse and makes woman's trouble only a personal disease. Women writers often pervert their bodies in the situation which man controls language. They represent particularly mother's body perverted. The characteristic experiences of women, for example pregnancy and delivery in the works of Kang Kyung Ae and Baek Syn Ae show that women speak to world by body. The body with speaking the meaning indicates not chora symbolizing the origin of abundance but the abject. The woman's voice is also disguised as hysteria and madness. In the special circumstance of Japanese fierce colonizing, people require the powerful order of father and make woman to be silence. However, absence can't be nothing, original lack. The abject continues to disclose the mother's body, and the woman's voice disguised with hysteria and madness speaks in the crevice, or the strange space of heterogeneity.
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