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The Poetry World of Seok-wu Hwang through Ecofeminism

Feminism and Korean Literature / Feminism and Korean Literature, (P)1229-4632; (E)2733-5925
2004, v.0 no.12, pp.215-236
Jun Mi Jung
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Ecofeminism is the core of poetic spirit of the poet, Seok-wu Hwang. It is the world which is started from life. That's why the source of meaning is from nature and woman. And the quest for life is mixed with a sex problem. Therefore, sexual expression is a rhetorical way to pursue life for Seok-wu Hwang absorbed to explore life. Likewise, Eroticism can be a problem closely related to life to Ecofeminists. To describe nature using human body means the power of life, where the body of nature is concentrated on woman's body mainly to remind motherhood. That is, the primitive order full of life is recovered through eroticism. Therefore Ecofeminism usually is realized by eroticism. It is the very Eroticism. Eroticism has special features which are comparing nature with woman's sexual body and intending the ideal world filled with life, considering something sexual as motherhood. It is the world of Utopia which is full of primitive life for Seok-wu, Hwang to have been pursued. The passion of safety and conservation leads him to make the paradigm of poetry. He expresses the nature as a sexualized body, a net, and motherhood. I divide the types of Ecofeminism presented in his poetry into three things based on above the paradigm.

자연, 여성, 생명, 몸, 생태학, 에로티시즘, 에코페미니즘, 에코에로티시즘 가이아, 모성성, 순환성, 유토피아, nature, woman, life, body, Ecology, Eroticism, Ecofeminism, Ecoeroticism, Gaia, motherhood, circulation, Utopia



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Feminism and Korean Literature