ISSN : 1229-4632
The aim of this essay is the study of root consciousness represented in Korean Chinese writers. Before the reform of 1970s, Korean Chinese writers cannot investigate the root of their ethnic because the government only requires the identity of minor ethnicity in China. After the reform, Korean Chinese writers acquire the freedom of representing the root consciousness . Many writers such as Hu Ryun-Soon, the author of The Flower of Wind(1996) fight to find the identity of Korean Chinese in their novel. Because many Korean Chinese immigrate to China after the Japanese invasion to resist or survive, they regard Korea as the father land. The ethnic commonness of Korean and Korean Chinese is the basis of this identity finding. Common language and custom are also closely connected with root consciousness. The way of representing the root consciousness is complex. Some writers find the identity by way of historical approach such as historical novel dealing with the life of people under the Japanese rule. Other writers investigate the identity politics by way of contemporary communication such as visiting Korea.
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