ISSN : 1229-4632
In the 1960's, there were many woman poets and poems written by women. Woman poets wanted to deviate from their family. A travel and an outgoing symbolized the desire for deviation of woman poets. Even if it was negative way, it meant that women deviated from their family. Woman poets expressed their sexual desire that was concealed, and opposed to the social customs that repressed women. It overthrew a traditional sexual model. And woman poets perceived 'the other voice' of inner world. But that voice could not concretize. Their poems aimed at 'modern'. A travel and an outgoing were theme of modernism, and the criticism on civilization was the same. They wanted to be separated from traditional feminity. They imitated 'language of man' and hoped to be treated on the same footing with man. Because they thought themselves as a shortage of 'masculine and modern'. It was a contradict way that denied their sex, 'feminine'. But the self-conciousness as woman budded in a woman poet's poems in the 1960'. So they got a foundation of a genuine woman poet's poems. Woman poets in the 1960' could not reform the social systems. But they perceived that woman's status in society was irrational and repressed. They wanted to deviate from an illogical social system.
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